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Introduction Paragraph

Who am I ?

Hey there, I am Nahin Imtiaz. I was born in Bangladesh and completed high school there as well. I came to the USA in 2016 and started my college education in Queens College, took a transfer to stony brook university and now I am in city college trying to graduate in computer science as soon as possible. I was a boy scout and volunteered in Red Crescent. So, I always crave for adventure, traveling, and hiking. I have traveled to multiple countries and always try to go on a tour with my friends when I go to Bangladesh. I love to cook as well. My favorite sports are cricket and badminton. I love dogs and if you’re a dog person then we can always get along. Things I do when I’m free- watching movies, vlogs or streams. I don’t know what else to say about myself, so I will end the introduction here and hope yall will have a great semester.
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